
After our successful launch on August 26 and our “legal” workshop on November 19, there are of course still exciting events on the agenda. As soon as the exact dates and programs of the workshops are available, it will be online and you will receive an invitation.

We will keep you posted!

Past events

Workshop “Legal Framework for decom on- and offshore wind turbines” | 19 November 2021

Let’s talk legal! After the successful launch of the ‘DecomWind’ platform, POM West-Vlaanderen and Port Oostende took the next step towards a supported decommissioning procedure for on- and offshore wind turbines in Belgium.

During a targeted workshop, various stakeholders from the sector, together with the legal experts from Deloitte Legal and Fieldfisher, examined the existing legal framework and formulated several recommendations for optimizing that framework.

Launch DecomWind Platform | 26 August 2021

Thank you for attending the launch event of the DecomWind platform. We are confident that with united forces, we will be ready for the decommissioning challenge in the future.

We are convinced that you have gained new insights and that you will have returned home with a lot of extra information.

Would you like to review the discussed topics? Just log on to theDecomWind platform and find all presentations over there.

We are looking forward to the next steps we will take together regarding the decommissioning challenge in the upcoming months.

See you soon!

Emmanuël Timmermans (Port Oostende | REBO NV), Ira Lardinois & Ben De Pauw (POM West-Vlaanderen)